¡Bienvenidos profes!

The Sassy Maestra

Hi! I’m Stephanie and I’m here to help dual language teachers with best practices in bilingual education by sharing strategies and low to no prep resources. You’re in the right place if:

  • you’re also serving bilingual students and struggling to find the resources you need
  • you’re tired of spending your prep time and evening translating English only materials
  • you’re passionate about equity and serving all students

I started creating teacher materials in 2015. I was teaching 4th grade Spanish dual immersion (as we call it in California). I felt like I was constantly reinventing the wheel as there were so many excellent materials available in English but not much in Spanish. As it happens to many of us, life got in the way and I wasn’t able to create as much as I would’ve liked. But I really threw myself into creating resources in the summer of 2022. 

I have a Masters in Education and a bilingual teaching credential in the state of California. I’ve taught grades 4-7 in 3 different cities. Now I’m a K-6 math specialist for my district, but I’m still passionate about bilingual education and I support my district’s bilingual program as much as possible. 

I live in Northern California with my husband and our toddler son. I love to travel and learn languages. Spanish is my second language and I bring that empathy as a language learner into my teaching. I’m also an avid reader, knitter, and crocheter. 

I maintain anonymity as my district is not supportive of teacherprenuers, but I intend to still connect with you all in a meaningful way through my blog posts, Instagram, and Facebook

Quien sabe dos lenguas se vale por dos.

Where should you start?